Resiliency is Key

Ina is a community member that worked with Beyond Legal Aid  in 2023 through our partnership with Jane Addams Senior Caucus, but that is not when her story begins. Ina is an Ashkenazi Jewish woman, which puts her at a significantly higher risk of getting breast cancer. Because of this, she gets annual preventative ABUS scans. However, in 2022, Medicare changed its policy to no longer cover them unless they are “medically necessary”. Ina and her primary care physician knew that an annual scan was medically necessary, but Medicare refused to cover it. Ina submitted multiple appeals, but still had no luck in getting the scan covered by insurance.  After many sleepless nights, she knew she had to look elsewhere for support. She first reached out to Jewish Community Center, which referred her to Jane Addams Senior Caucus and their legal program in collaboration with Beyond.

Ina worked with Deborah Garrigus, Beyond’s Litigation Manager, who she described as “the only light in my life.” Deb answered all of Medicare’s questions and was able to finally get some movement in Ina’s case. After many months, her final appeal was approved, which Ina said, “was one of the happiest days of my life.” By November 2023, Ina needed her ABUS scan again, but she no longer felt alone. “I didn’t feel abandoned this time because I had Deb on my side.” Her resiliency paid off because the appeal was approved the first time around by Medicare!

Ina wishes that more people knew about the work that Beyond Legal Aid and Jane Addams Senior Caucus do because “they’re wonderful organizations.” To help support more community members like Ina, please make a donation today.